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Cristina Dattolo

Who You Work With Matters!

I am a full time Associate Broker who has been awarded Top Producer the past eight years from Staten Island Board of REALTORS® (SIBOR), which places me among the top 10% of agents on Staten Island. My customer service background stems from having worked with Delta Airlines for 11 years, learning how to multi-task in a high-paced environment but always having excellent customer experience in mind. This experience made me the hard worker I am today. My loyalty, knowledge and passion for this business is what has driven me to success. Having 100% satisfaction from my client reviews is humbling. The trust and belief they have in me throughout the process is what I strive for, and to receive the acknowledgment for exceeding their expectations is priceless. My clients become family, so if you choose to work with me, that is exactly how you’d be treated. I’m a 24-hour agent who is here for you every step of the way!

Let's Get Social
Lic#: 10301212873
C. 718.300.1123
O. 718.447.3000

1605 Forest Avenue, 2nd Floor
Staten Island, NY 10302


“Cristina Dattolo is the realtor you want to use! She is very knowledgeable and was very helpful with the whole process. She goes above and beyond for her clients. I would recommend her to everyone, and I will definitely be using her in the future!”




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Cristina Dattolo
Lic#: 10301212873
C. 718.300.1123
O. 718.447.3000

895 Annadale Rd, Staten Island N.Y 10312

1605 Forest Avenue, 2nd Floor
Staten Island, N.Y 10302